angle-left null Satellite-derived Bathymetry
Mapping, Monitoring

Satellite-derived Bathymetry

Satellite-derived bathymetry is a state-of-the-art method for detailed mapping of shallow coastal areas, where unlike field-based surveys this solution has a quick turnaround, no health and safety issues and requires no permits. Since it is based on satellite information it is also ideal for remote areas and harsh environments. The method is able to map water depth down to 8 m at high and low tide in 2m, 10m and 90m resolution, depending on your project requirements.

Coastal; Fisheries; Map water depth or charting; Oil and Gas; Maritime

Descripción del producto

A cost-effective method for accurate water depth mapping of the worlds shallow coastal areas based on high resolution satellite images. The method is globally applicable.

Idioma de servicio
Lenguaje de metadatos
Acuerdo de nivel de servicio
A dedicated EULA must be accepted
Términos y condiciones
Modo de entrega
  • ftp, email download
Nivel comercial
Estado del ciclo de vida del servicio
Localizador de servicios
Fecha de publicación
01 ene 2017


The coastal zone and shallow off-shore areas are some of the most dynamic regions around the world with constantly changing geography. Monitoring and mapping these coastal environments is therefore critical to environmental studies, construction activities such as harbours and pipelines as well as other critical infrastructure

Modelo de pago
Precio a partir de
from 2600 €. 2m: 100 88,6 €/sqkm, 10m: 8,9 €/sqkm

Especificación técnica

Resolución espacial entregable
2.0 - 10.0 m
Precisión de entrega vertical
10% depth of water column +/- 0.5m vertical accuracy (LE90)
Precisión de entrega horizontal.
2m/10m CE90 horizontal accuracy
Capas raster entregables
  • 2 layers: water depth map + quality layer
Capas vectoriales entregables
  • Depth contour
Precisión de entrega
 10 – 20% of depth
Los formatos
  • XYZ ASCII, GeoTIFF or any other format
Modelo de datos de entrega
Datos de entrega
WGS84 & Geoid
Traductor de datos
Fecha de inicio de adquisición
Fecha de finalización de la adquisición

Lugar de servicio

