Success story
Monitoring solar panels for government agencies
Climate; Urban Areas; Monitor urban areas; urban atlas; urban settlement; smart cities
NEO has supported a variety of governments on different levels (national, province, municipality) by providing them the solar panel monitoring service. This information is useful to these clients for different reasons. Most commonly, the solar panel information gives insight in the place of solar panels within the energy transition and the set goals per government. Statistics can either be used to track progress or to plan actions to encourage renewable energy. As the solar panel monitoring service provides highly up-to-date data the effectiveness of their renewable energy strategy is increased. NEO provides the solar panel data through API, which allows customers to integrate the data in their own internal viewer or combine this with secluded governmental information. If they wish so, customers can also publish the solar panel information to reach out to its population and create motivation for participating in their renewable energy strategy.

- Highly up-to-date
- Sharp priced because of automated detection process
- Ready to use
- Provided through API