
WindSight is a suite of novel EO-based products for characterization of the land surface roughness and topography anywhere in the world. Together with state-of-the-art flow modeling tools for wind energy planning and prospecting, WindSight can replace current procedures for land surface characterization, which are based on manual assessment, coarse global data sets, or costly airborne measurement campaigns.

Product Description

Mapping the requirements and the willingness to pay for data at different stages of land based wind farm planning. Establish co-creation cycles with end users from the wind energy industry. Develop a sustainable business case for the provisioning of EO data and derived products over land to the wind energy industry.

Service Language
Metadata Language
Service Level Agreement
Terms & Conditions
Delivery Mode
Commercial level
Service Life Cycle Status
Service Locator
Date of Publication
20 Jul 2022


Benefits description

Payment Model
Price starting from

Technical Specification

Deliverable spatial resolution
Deliverable accuracy vertical
Deliverable accuracy horizontal
Deliverable raster layers
Deliverable vector layers
Deliverable Accuracy
Deliverable datamodel
Deliverable datum
Datum translator
Start date of acquisition
End date of acquisition

Service place

Service place description
