Pioneering H2020 project e-shape, strengthens the benefits for Europe of GEO - establishing ‘EuroGEO’
EuroGEO, as Europe’s contribution to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems, aims at bringing together Earth Observation resources in Europe. It allows Europe to position itself as global force in Earth observation through leveraging Copernicus, making use of existing European capacities and improving user uptake of the data from GEO assets.
Explore e-shape success stories
Success story
EO-based surveillance of POPs pollution

The Global Monitoring Plan (GMP) of the Stockholm Convention (SC) was established as an effective and sustainable global system to collect comparable, harmonized and reliable information on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) levels in core media (air, human tissues (breast milk/blood), and water) supporting the effectiveness evaluation of the Stockholm Convention. The mandate for the effectiveness evaluation is Article 16 of the Stockholm Convention and decisions SC-5/18 and SC-7/25.

The EO-based tool increases the availability and quality of information needed to tracks POPs and anticipate changes in the global environment through harmonizing metadata production, archiving, and sharing. The developed advanced web services might be used to support the effectiveness evaluation policy mandate of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and LRTAP Convention.

- More efficient identification of new POPs
- Increased accessibility of data and its spatial coverage, quality and comparability
- Support of the policy mandate through the Stockholm Convention on POPs

Meet the entities involved in e-shape