Pioneering H2020 project e-shape, strengthens the benefits for Europe of GEO - establishing ‘EuroGEO’
EuroGEO, as Europe’s contribution to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems, aims at bringing together Earth Observation resources in Europe. It allows Europe to position itself as global force in Earth observation through leveraging Copernicus, making use of existing European capacities and improving user uptake of the data from GEO assets.
Explore e-shape success stories

FRIEND - Flood Risk & Impact assEssment through automatic chaNge Detection of S1 and S2 images
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This pilot aims at assessing the flood risk in selected areas, its impact on urban areas and the associated risk for population. It will use Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data and relevant processing chains to generate time-series of imagery and automatically detect changes within a given period. The output will be exposed through the MEEO (pilot coordinator) platform whose data cube technology will be enriched with additional relevant datasets to provide both citizens and experts with a Flood Risk & Impact Assessment dashboard based on indicators, time-series charts or forecasting maps. The objective is to have a smart organization of the heterogeneous relevant datasets that facilitates the analysis of the data available and, therefore, the monitoring activities over an AoI.
Empresa: MEEO
Propuesta: The output will be exposed through the MEEO (pilot coordinator) platform whose data cube technology will be enriched with additional relevant datasets to provide both citizens and experts with a Flood Risk & Impact Assessment dashboard based on indicators, time-series charts or forecasting maps. The objective is to have a smart organization of the heterogeneous relevant datasets that facilitates the analysis of the data available and, therefore, the monitoring activities over an AoI.

Sargassum detection for seasonal planning
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How observations of Sargassum West of Africa helps the Caribbean to prepare for seasonal influxes of Sargassum
Fecha: January 26, 2022
Empresa: CLS
Propuesta: Provide long-term seasonal prediction in bulletins tailored to the key users needs To raise awareness on the sargassum season to help the key users to prepare the mitigation in advance for a better management of the sargassum landings and to efficiently plan the sargassum cleaning and gathering efforts.
Fisheries, Environmental, Pollution & Climate, Fisheries, Travel, Tourism and Leisure

GEOSS for Disasters in Urban Environment
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This pilot application will exploit the new capacities for designing and delivering innovative services for extreme-scale hydro-meteorological modelling, using Copernicus data and core services directly ingested through the Copernicus Open Access Hub APIS, and the DIAS platform, as well as citizen scientists data, to enable more precise predictions and decision-making support for high impact weather events in urban and peri urban environment. Contributing to the Disaster Resilience SBA, one of the main activities listed in the GEO Space and Security Community Activity is to get maximum benefit from the use of large and heterogeneous datasets to potentially fill in the observational and capability gaps at EU decision making level. To this end, the application proposes also the integration of the datasets and tools made available in the frame of the pilot application (weather, citizen science, hydrological and fire models, RASOR platform, Change Detection Maps based on Sentinel-1 and the BEYOND ( platform – FIREHUB and FloodHub - in synergy with partner NOA and the pilot for resilient ecosystems) for the assessment of impact of natural hazards over areas of interest with regard to human security issues.
Empresa: CIMA
Propuesta: Contributing to the Disaster Resilience SBA, one of the main activities listed in the GEO Space and Security Community Activity is to get maximum benefit from the use of large and heterogeneous datasets to potentially fill in the observational and capability gaps at EU decision making level. To this end, the application proposes also the integration of the datasets and tools made available in the frame of the pilot application (weather, citizen science, hydrological and fire models, RASOR platform, Change Detection Maps based on Sentinel-1 and the BEYOND ( platform – FIREHUB and FloodHub - in synergy with partner NOA and the pilot for resilient ecosystems) for the assessment of impact of natural hazards over areas of interest with regard to human security issues.

EO Data for Detection, Discrimination and Distribution (4D) of Volcanic ash
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Volcanic eruptions are a natural disaster with great impact on society and environment. Even if they are relatively rare, the effects of eruptions on human activities and economy can be very severe. The aviation crisis in 2010, that resulted in 1.3 billion Euro damage, showcased the significant impacts to the general economic activity in Europe.
Empresa: National Research Council (CNR)
Propuesta: As reported in the EU Directive on European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection, there is a need to improve the critical infrastructure protection capability in Europe and to help reduce vulnerabilities concerning critical infrastructures. In particular, air traffic is indicated as a European critical infrastructure.

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In order to secure ecosystem benefits under increasingly anthropogenic pressures , knowledge-based conservation, management and restoration policies are needed. The key to that is data services that encompass effective monitoring (combined Remote sensing RS and insitu) and modelling of the trends and states of the ecosystem and its services.
Empresa: National Research Council (CNR)
Propuesta: The H2020 ECOPOTENTIAL produced a wide-ranging set of RS variables for an ensemble of 25 Protected Areas (PAs) covering the biogeographical regions of Europe with a focus on arid, mountain, and coastal ecosystems. The selection of variables was co-designed with the PA staff on-site (narratives) that link the ecosystem state and its changes to the drivers of change and to the essential variables to be effectively monitored. MySPACE will extend the approach (workflows and procedures) to quantify current and expected changes in a larger ensemble of sites.

WindSight - First class input data for wind energy models
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WindSight is a suite of novel EO-based products for characterization of the land surface roughness and topography anywhere in the world. Together with state-of-the-art flow modeling tools for wind energy planning and prospecting, WindSight can replace current procedures for land surface characterization, which are based on manual assessment, coarse global data sets, or costly airborne measurement campaigns.
Empresa: DHI GRAS
Propuesta: WindSight is a suite of novel EO-based products for characterization of the land surface roughness and topography anywhere in the world. Together with state-of-the-art flow modeling tools for wind energy planning and prospecting, WindSight can replace current procedures for land surface characterization, which are based on manual assessment, coarse global data sets, or costly airborne measurement campaigns.
Meet the entities involved in e-shape