Historia sukcesu
Dive - Diver Information on Visibility in Europe

SCUBA Diving is a popular sports activity as well as a crucial commercial service for many coastal economic areas. There are approximately 3.2 million active divers in Europe, based on data provided by Recreational Scuba Training Council (RSTC). Visibility in the water is a safety factor in both recreational and commercial diving as well as a large factor in the enjoyment of recreational diving. Visibility can be affected by many factors or variables which can be measured from space.

To enable the use of earth observation data in these user focused downstream services we will create a location based middleware web service that provides near real time (NRT) visibility information for a specific location based on EO data. The solution provides gives score for specific dive locations.

- Easily accessible information on near real time conditions
- Data available for further development and different use cases in the future