nextSENSE: solar energy nowcasting & short-term forecasting system
Climate; Forecasting sunlight exposure; Map and monitor solar energy (solar farms); Alternative Energy; Environmental, Pollution & Climate; Local and regional planners

The consequences of rapidly rising global temperatures will be far-reaching and devastating for humans and the environment unless urgent action is taken globally to curb emissions. To this direction, the United Nations and the European Commission (EC) have set as its main sustainable development goals by 2030 to contribute to climate actions and ensure good health and well-being by providing universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services.

The increased use of the renewable energy sources brings to the fore the simultaneous vital need for improved Earth Observation (EO) solutions for the continuous monitor of solar energy potential and fulfil the increasing integration of solar farms into the electricity grids, the load exchanges, as well as the efficient electricity transmission and distribution. Therefore, through joint solar energy implementation funded projects, the EC's renewable energy policy aims to set up a low carbon environment with relevant services and support by existing and new EO techniques dealing with accurate, nowcast, short-term (STF) and long-term forecast estimations of solar energy.

- Improved available innovation instruments (Geo-Cradle and CAMS)
- Upscaling of existing techniques to serve a large variety of users
- Showcasing benefits of the renewable energy sources
- Provision of updated and consistent data for the solar energy market and SDG indicators